Sunday services start at 11.00am unless otherwise stated
Saturday Coffee Morning
10.00 to 12.00
Coffee, Tea and Biscuits
No Coffee Morning on 21 December
Superintendent Minster
Senior Steward
Val Williams
David Bulford
Lynn Lamberton
Sharon Bailey
Malcolm Young
Sunday Service 22 December Preacher Myra Williams
Christmas Day Service 25 December at 10.00am Led by David Bulford
Communion Service 29 December Preacher Revd Dr John Harrod
Church Fellowship Service 5 January Led by TBA
Church Fellowship Service 12 January Led by David Bulford
Sunday Service 19 January Preacher Revd Dr John Johnson
Circuit Covenant Service at Cornerstone 26 January
Communion Service 2 February Preacher Revd Dr John Harrod
Church Fellowship Service 9 February Led by David Bulford
Sunday Service 16 February Preacher John Tilling
Church Fellowship Service 23 February Led by Rosalie Harrod